㆗HD 1080p㆙ Download Free Portrait de la jeune fille en feu
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About The Author: Brigitte Baronnet
Info Journaliste ciné-séries & présentatrice de podcast pour @allocine // Ex Ecran Total, Radio France... // Cinéma, séries, médias, livres et musique
In 18th century France a young painter, Marianne, is commissioned to do the wedding portrait of Héloïse without her knowing. Therefore, Marianne must observe her model by day to paint her portrait at night. Day by day, the two women become closer as they share Héloïse's last moments of freedom before the impending wedding.
score 27695 Vote.
duration 122 minute.
stars Valeria Golino, Noémie Merlant.
Céline Sciamma.
I love this story, the premise sounds original and excellent
1:47 belíssima cena. Aliás o filme é lindo. todas as cenas são belíssimas, simbólicas, intensas. Uma obra prima.
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Le malaise est palbabe. Ce cinéma français producteur de navet pour bourgeois bohèmes avec son casting de féministes névrotiques. À fuir.
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Does anyone know where i can watch this.
Wow. beautiful.
I just continue to watch it over and over. Cant wait to see the whole film. Great work.
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0:36 & 1:17 : Persona (1966.
Is Adèle stimming at the beginning or it's just me.
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Portrait of a Lady on Fire is a historical drama by the aspiring French director Céline Sciamma. The Movie is set in 18th Century France when Marianne, a beautiful, young painter is hired to paint the portrait of Eloise, an elegant, depressed young bourgeois who is about to be wedded following the orders of her mom. Marianne faces her first drawback when she discovers that Eloise refuses to be painted as she mourns for her sister's death who she loved dearly. Marianne has to be discreet in the process, taking glimpses of her shy, weary face on their beach strolls and looking intently into the small details of her eyes and the shapes of her creases, without drawing suspicion, to perfect a seemingly impossible piece of art. Their relationship slowly develops as they both start opening up to each other and an unlikely friendship surfaces. When the portrait is done, Marianne felt like she betrayed the trust of Eloise and felt the need to disclose the true motive behind her visit. Eloise took it lightly but then wanted to see the final product which didn't satisfy her or did it? Her dissatisfaction with the painting could be interpreted as her refusing the fact that Marianne's work now is done, and she is bound to leave. She found comfort in her company and the void that was left by her sister's suicide was finally being filled. Marianne wasn't going to leave that way. She vandalized her own painting and decided to stay longer and redo it. Eloise agreed to pose for her as a compensation. In their upcoming drawing sessions and in their little night escapades they found each other gradually falling in love. The portrait is almost done and the wedding approaches. Their love story is nearing its finish line and the separation is bound to happen. They leave each other with tears, memories but with little regrets blaming a society that oppresses women in the name of honor.
The movie is a French masterpiece that embodies the purpose of the 7th art. The cinematography is splendid and takes us on a journey to the 18th century France countryside in all its grandeur. The acting is gripping and true to the characters. the two young actresses did an amazing job portraying the emotional rollercoaster that Marianne and Eloise go through. The atmosphere of the film is dreamy and poetic which left the audience in aw throughout the whole screening. The ending was saddening and unfair which left us in agony and in sympathy towards the two characters and their forbidden love.
Portrait of a Lady on Fire won best original screenplay in Cannes Festival. If that's not enough testament of how brilliant this movie, I don't know what is. Sciamma is definitely going to have her mark in the world of cinema in the years to come.
3:30 mario and luigi.
Une femme sensible et intelligente, bravo
Download Free ççå³åc.l.a.s. My experience watching Portrait of a Lady on Fire The first hour: This is really well made. The bonfire scene: WHAT THE FRICK IS THIS SURREALIST MAGICAL CINEMA. The rest: Oh my word I love this. Oommggg its so visually GOOD! I need to see the full movie ASAP. Download Free ççå³åçc.a.l.m.
This is one of the best edited videos I have ever seen. With cinema, the French really do understand relationships better. Download Free ççå³åc.h.a.m. Looks really good.
Is this a horror or lesbian love story? i get creepy vibes from watching this
La scène de la pipe a été tournée en seulement 12 jours. Les deux actrices se perdaient en conjoncture souvent et il fallait attendre la conclusion du débat. I agree to every single word you say 🙃. I cant stop crying. Thank you for ruining my perfect day. This movie couldve easily taken at least 5 Oscars. What was France thinking. ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE, best Film of 2019. 10/10 Bravo. Watched last night - and will certainly watch again. Por favor, subtitulos en español o ingles. Kristen Stewart brought me here she says its the best film she has seen in the last year.
« fascination » is the new « amour lesbien ».
Anyone know what genre of music this is? Or there are any similar songs? This piece really moved me and I'd like to make a whole playlist that I could euphorically convulse to haha.
I literally never wanted this video to end 😭 absolutely amazing editing, thank you.
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It was so weird when I found out that Para One was involved in the music for this movie. I mean I love it, this guy made some banging electro music, and now he makes beautiful acapella for brilliant arthouse films? I don't know how this happened but it's great lol.
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